Processing Section
This section attends to all technical activities by the prfessional staff or degree holders of the professional Course in Library and Information Science. The activities done here are
- Classification of each book/document according to the subjects for systematic arrangement and shelving of the documents
- Cataloguing library catalogue plays an important role as a reference tool to locate a particular document which can be retrieved from the auther and title entries. Catalogue cards are filed according to auther and title of every document. Transcription of every document is also done here. Further pasting of book pockets, book card , date and spine labels are also completed from this section. After completion of all technical activities from the processing section, documents are fit to go to their respective sections. These sections in the state central Library are:-
- Circulation section
- College/ Student section
- Reading Circle/ Reference Section
- Record section
- School section
- Children section
- Rare Book section
- Binding section
- Circulation Section - Of all the library activities, the circulation of books for home use is by far the major public service provided by the State Central Library. It is one of the busiest section and deals with charging and discharging of books, maintaining statistics of the total number of books issued and returned in a day, shelving of books in order in the stacks according to subjects and filing of catalogue cards. Any registered member can take two books at a time for a period of 15 days. The process and services which result in bringing users and library materials into productive relationship is the circulation section.
- College/ Student Section - The college section is a reference section which adequately serve the needs and requirements of the college studentsand teachers towards reading, study and research.Facilities and services are made available towards this end.
Student come to the college section to complete the assignments and reference works. The collection in the college section is geared to the institutional programmes of the college. Books are kapt in all areas pertaining to curriculum and Syllabuses. The sequence in which the books have been arranged in the shelves is according to subjects. The catalogue is also available for students to consult and locate a book if the author title and subject is known.
- Reading Circles/ Reference Section -
The main purpose of the section is to help registered and non-registered member readers use the resources available up to the maximum. Reference service involves at making information as easily available as possible.Readers in this section have full access to a wide range of reference books like the encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, directories, almanac etc which are intended to be referred to rather than to read through. One can also go through current information from periodicals, Newspapers and current issues of Magazines, Journals both Indian and Foreign are displayed in this sections.
- School Section - This section is a part and parcel of a school set up and serves the parentorganization,
it plays an important role inhelping the educational system to achieve its goal. It is a resource center providing open access to its users. Broadly speaking the collection here consists of text books as well as reference books to serve the interest and level of understanding of school children. It aims at making documents available to students and in creating a life long reading habit among the students.
- Children Section -
This section is meant exclusively for children below the age of 14 years. The Children Section atmosphere here is full of life with children returning, borrowing and reading books. The collection is mostly on fiction for children, bedtime stories and nursery rhymes. It encourages children to develop reading habit and make profitable use of their leisure time. The system adopted in this section is similar to that of circulation section.
- Record Section - Back issues of Newspapers and Magazines and Journals are kept here for consultations and references whenever required
- Rare Book Section - This is close access section where rare books and out of print books are kept
- Binding Section - This section has its own role to play in conservation and preservation of library documents, newspapers mostly local newspapers are bound in this section.