Organisational Set Up

At the helm of the affairs, there is a Minister in-charge of Arts and Culture who takes the policy decision of the Department. The Commissioner and Secretary, the Secretary, the Joint Secretary, the Under Secretary with one Superintendent and a team of ministerial staff in the administrative department of Arts and Culture assist him.

The Directorate of Arts and Culture is headed by the Director and assisted by two Compilers, the Museologist, the Archivist, the Archaeologist and the Librarian together with a skeleton ministerial staff. One Compiler is looking after the Gazetteer and Establishment branches and the other is looking after the Historical and Antiquarian Studies including the Rabindra Art Gallery at Brook site. The Museologist is in-charge of the State Museum branch and other peripheral works. The Archivist is in-charge of the State Archives and Institute of Arts and Culture. The, Audio-visual Archivist of Performing Arts is assisting the Archivist of State Archives in matter of performing arts etc. While the Archaeologist is in-charge of Archaeology branch and the Tribal Research Institute. And the Librarian is in charge of the State Central Library.

The District Libraries, the District Research Offices and the District Museum are the subordinate offices of the Directorate of Arts and Culture at the district level.